Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How the Bar is Like Church

Society has brought about its own culture for living, celebrating and getting through life. Where we go to figure things out varies from person to person. 
Bar Like Church
8 Ways Bartenders are Like God

Have you ever noticed the profound similarities between a local pub and a church? We all seek answers for our own mortality whether that is at the bottom of a bottle or within the pews of a church. Where you choose to take that is for you to decide.
Here are ten ways the bar is like the church:


Bars and churches have similar atmospheres. Many people go to bars and churches for the uplifting environment, to feel good about who they are and to find some type of meaning in life. Whether this meaning is in the alcoholic haze amongst other drinkers or found in the verses of good book, it doesn’t matter, people want to feel good about themselves. People will continue to seek for happiness and the meaning of their existence regardless of where it leads them. These environments bring out something that they are searching for.


Think about how you get dressed to go to a church or a bar. The majority of churches are not causal places to attend. Many people put on their Sunday best to go to church. Now for many women and some men, going to a bar deserves getting dolled up, as well. You never know who you are going to meet at a church or a bar, it’s best to always be prepared. It’s quite humorous to think that both places deserve to have you look your best. However, some will argue that church clothes and bar clothes are not the same thing. It’s in the concept of getting dressed up that makes them so much alike.

The Leader

Who leads a church? Who leads a bar? At a church, a leader is typically the Pastor or Reverend. His duties include helping members of the church, listening to confessions, giving the sermons on Sundays and just to be that spiritual counselor people need. At a bar the leader is typically the bartender. He serves drinks, tells jokes, listens to your problems and offers advice. The bartender is the uplifting counselor to his patrons. So who do you go to more, your bartender or your pastor? Either way they both offer advice, a valuable service and are always where you need them to be.

Live Entertainment

Both bars and churches have live entertainment. At a bar, you will hear the jukebox blaring, a deejay mixing or a local band playing. At a church you will hear the musical instruments and the church choir singing. Either way music is connected to the idea of relaxing and celebrating. It’s two different types of music, but they are still listened to for the same reasons. Music seems to have the same effect on people’s bodies and minds. Whether you are dancing or throwing your hands in the air, the same adrenaline is being released. There is a notion that music is spiritually uplifting regardless of what type of music it is.
By the way, if you are in a Texas bar listening to country music about Texas, some would even go as far as to say that it’s straight from the gospel, because let’s not forget, God blessed Texas. 



People have the need to confess their wrongdoings and mistakes to others. It is what makes us feel most human. At most Catholic churches they have confession booths. At a bar they have a counter and a stool. Both venues have heard people’s deepest, darkest secrets, their horrendous sins and their biggest life problems. Secrets always come out sooner or later. Seriously, what’s the difference between drinking a shot and saying 3 Hail Marys for any given sin? 


A prayer has been defined in the dictionary as ‘a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship.’ Some people pray to God while others pray to the porcelain god. If given the choice, I’d rather pray to God then be puking my brains out. However, some people just can’t handle their liquor. Either way both types of prayers require kneeling, so if you can pray at church, why wouldn’t you pray at a bar? 

To Meet People

Where do you go to meet people? Whether you like to admit it or not, some people like going to church to meet people, while others go to the bar to meet people. You hear people say all the time, it’s better to meet your spouse at a church than a bar. However, with so many similarities does it really matter? At least at the bar, you may get the honest person after a few drinks versus someone who put on their best behavior at church.

Holy Water

Holy water is considered water blessed by the priest. Some churches have ‘Holy’ water while some bar goers will say ‘Holy’ water is any type of alcohol. What’s the difference between the two? I think it is a fine line between what you think is religious cleansing and what you think is not religious cleansing. Any bar goer will argue why their ‘holy’ water is cleansing to the soul and mind. 

Long Sermons

If you take the simplicity of what we considered a sermon, it is something you watch and listen to with passion. Well we all know a church sermon consists of the pastor preaching from the gospel while everyone is listening intently. So at the bar, what do most people listen to intently like a sermon? That would be any sports game, but preferably a football game. Yes a football game to many is just like a sermon and can not be missed. If you are not a sports fanatic a bar sermon could also be hearing your bartender or ‘regular’ who is very long-winded tell you the story of their life.  


There is a level of truthfulness within a church and a bar. At a church people strive to be honest, truthful and in general good people. At a bar after you tipped back a few, you become blatantly honest and truthful regardless if the truth hurts or not. Does this makes a bar and a church similar? I think so.
If you wanted to take it a step further you could say the bouncers are like pall bearers and Deejays are like church music directors. No matter how you see the roles in bars and churches, there is a significant likeness. So whether you go to church or frequent your local bar both places are designed to make you feel better about yourself and give you a different perspective in life, preferably a honest one. One might be more like a party than the other but it is very compelling on how the desired outcomes are so much alike. One may get you drunk while the other may get you to heaven’s gate.
The bottom line is you can not ignore the similarities between the two. Now let the bar say Amen.
 Don’t Ever Do These 5 Things at the Bar

Bar Like Church
Billie Raucci, Contributor

Monday, January 23, 2017

How to Talk to Parents about Bartending

Parents typically have a different idea for your future than you do. You made the decision to get into bartending now you’re unsure how to break the news to your parents. Here are some helpful tips on how to talk to parents about bartending and put them at ease.
How to Talk to Parents about Bartending
Things to Know Before Becoming a Bartender

Be Polite

The last thing you would want to do is walk into your parent’s house and say, “Like it or not, I am going to be a bartender!” This is a surefire way to start an argument and will hurt your chances of getting them on board with your decision. The best way to approach this career choice is to be polite and calm.   

Be Confident

Show your parents that you are confident in your decision. Let them know that you thought about this career decision responsibility. It’s okay to be assertive and still be respectful. Also, If you approach your parents without confidence they probably will not take you seriously and may think you are not serious about doing this.


Do Your Research

Most people think you have to be 21 to be a bartender. However, many states allow you to bartend at 18. If this applies to you, be sure to let your parents know that you have thoroughly done the research. Your parents will appreciate that you took the time to think through this decision.

Address the Pros and Cons


Be sure to share the pros and cons with your parents. Be honest as they will respect that you are aware and made an informed decision. Talk about your feelings regarding your decision and allow them to share their input. Let your parents know you will make this career choice work for you regardless of the cons. Also, be ready to show how the pros outweigh the cons for you. Parents like to know that their children are making rational choices and look at things from all angles.

Address Your Parents Concerns

Your parents will have concerns, so be sure to allow them to share. Remember to be polite and not to argue with them. Some of their concerns maybe:
  • Long hours on your feet
  • The drinking and the party life
  • How much income you will make
  • Your overall safety
Discuss these concerns and have appropriate data. Share things like the average annual bartender’s income and myths about bartending with your parent. Show your parents that you have fully researched this decision rationally and that you are willing to address these issues with them like an adult.


Discuss Schooling

How to Talk to Parents about Bartending
There are many ways to get educated to become a bartender. Some bartenders do online classes, some take classes at college and others will attend bartending school. Some bartenders have no schooling at all and learn on the job.
Let your parents know your educational plans. Talk to them about where you want to get your education and how much it will cost. The more information you give your them the better, especially if your parents want to help you pay for your education.


Let Your Parents Know Your Goals

There are many types of bartenders including mixologists. Discuss your career goals with your parents. Do you want to eventually own your own bar? Are you interested in working on a cruise ship? Do you want to work at an upscale lounge or club? Or do you want to work for weddings and party events? Whatever your aspirations are, clearly explain them to your parents. Being upfront and honest with your parents will help them to get on board with your decision.
Make Good Use of Your Bartender Time

After talking to your parents they may be on your side or they may still disagree. Either way it’s okay. If your parents are still not okay with your decision they may come around eventually. The important thing is that you let them know what your plans are in a respectful and honest manner.
Sometimes it takes a little longer for parents to understand that your career choice will make you happy. Now that you have talk to your parents it is time to put your plan to action! The choice to be a bartender is one that is full of rewards. It’s also full of hard work, however, serving other people is an honorable profession.
And if all else fails, have the conversation over a drink. 

How to Talk to Parents about Bartending
Billie Raucci, Contributor