Is there anything better when the weather cools than a hearty milk stout or crisp Oktoberfest lager? No. No there isn’t.
In 2017 we’re predicting a bit of a switch up among breweries as the thirst for pumpkin spice everything has decidedly cooled, giving brewers a chance to try new things. Read on for what we think will be hitting shelves and tap lines this season.
Fruity IPAs
One could possibly think of IPAs throughout the past ten years as on a pendulum swinging from bitter to fruity and back again. This year we’ll see bitterness lessen and more fruits added to the mix. Think Tröeg’s Crimson Pistil IPA or Ballast Point’s Grapefruit Sculpin. The former has a beautiful red hue with a perfectly balanced berry flavor while the latter is a perennial favorite amongst IPA and wheat beer drinkers alike.
Coffee and Milk
With the seemingly instantaneous eruption of nitro coffee, the creamy almost milkshake-like way to get your daily caffeine fix, comes a renewed interest in nitrogenated beers. Nitro gas is usually used in stouts like Guinness. Nitrogen’s smaller bubbles create a smooth, creamy mouth feel contrary to the bubbly and crisp feeling one gets from carbon gas. Think of Left Hand’s famous Milk Stout. As far as the coffee trend goes, look no further than Saranac’s Cold Brew Lager. While not a nitro beer, it still benefits from the same creamy finish as a cold brew coffee.
German Beers
Of course every year there is a resurgence in the popularity of German style lagers around October. However, this year the trend is coupled with drinkers’ cooling tastes for bitter beers. Staples like Hofbräu and Spaten are already crowd pleasers that you’ll be seeing even more of than usual this season.
Classic Brown Ales
Brown ales have a malty character whether they’re of the English or American variety. English Brown Ales such as Newcastle tend to be nuttier and sweeter, while American ones can have a bit of bitter hoppiness as well. Try Sierra Nevada’s Tumbler Autumn Brown Ale or the Old Brown Dog Ale from Smuttynose.
Tell us what you think in the comments!
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There are people who love karaoke and then there are people who avoid it at all costs. We are here to tell you whether you sing or not, karaoke is a can’t miss night at the bar. In fact, you can have an amazing time even if you just attend.
Here are 7 ways karaoke can lead to a great night out.
1. Five Minutes Of Fame
Whether you’re an experienced singer, an amateur or have no singing talent at all, you get five minutes to shine among people you may not know. And since most people are already buzzed or drunk, you may appear to be an American Idol even if you sound terrible.
2. Laugh At and With Friends
Attending karaoke night with your friends may very well be one of the best nights ever. It is filled with laughter, inside jokes and funny memories that will last forever. Just make sure you record your friends so you can blackmail them later on.
3. It’s A Stress Reliever
Music and singing has scientifically been proven to be a stress reliever. Add smiling and laughter to the mix and life appears to be so much better no matter what. So if you are having a bad day, it will take some stress off your mind. It really is a great way to unwind and it doesn’t hurt to have your favorite drink in hand.
4. Karaoke Is Cheap Entertainment
Why pay hundreds for a concert when you can attend a karaoke night for cheap? Most bars do not have a cover charge, so it may only cost you a couple of drinks for a night of fun. Better yet, some bars offer a prize for the winner, so you may not want to miss out on your chance to win!
5. Meet New People
Karaoke attracts a different type of regular or bar goer. You will definitely meet new people that may be worth getting to know. It never hurts to expand your friend of friends or to look for your soulmate. Besides, if you end up wearing beer goggles, chance are tomorrow is a new day so it doesn’t hurt to put yourself out there.
6. Confidence Booster
Getting up in front of people and singing takes guts. Step outside your comfort zone and explore a little. It is a confidence booster and it’s easier to meet quality people once you let loose a little. And who knows, someone may like your voice and you could be the next contestant on ‘The Voice.’
7. It’s So Much Fun
Sometimes, the normal bar scene gets boring. Change it up a little and karaoke is a great place to start. Sometimes, just sitting at a bar drinking can get quite boring. Have a little fun, take risks, and find new ways to enjoy your night out.
Make no mistake about it karaoke can be loads of fun. Next time your friends say let’s check out the karaoke, be open minded and check it out! Honestly, what can it hurt?
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There is something beautiful buried inside of all of us that helps us be aware of ourselves and our world. What if the bar was the place to help us improve this concept called consciousness?
Now that’s different! How does consciousness and the bar even end up in the same sentence? Well keep reading.
Consciousness is defined as the state of being awake, and aware of your surroundings. If someone asked you to explain what that means, could you do it?
We all have it and experience it, but yet it’s so hard to explain. We are not going to spend a great deal of time trying to uncover the scientific meaning of being conscious. Because really smart people have been trying to do that for years. It has a lot to do with how the brain operates and who really understands that? We will focus on tips for improving your awareness using the bar, which is very important in developing your state of consciousness.
You need to hang around other people and avoid isolation in order to be happy. Social isolation is a state of complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and society. Not only do we need to communicate with others, we need to interact with them face to face. So social media doesn’t count! And the bar is one of the best places to get this social interaction.
Here are some tips to improve your awareness at the bar.
Get to Know You
The bar is the place to go if you want to be honest and hear the truth from others. Liquid courage helps people lose their inhibitions and feel free to be more open. So the goal is to use that magic to have a realistic conversation with you. Grab a drink and talk to yourself. It sounds crazy but is it really? We spend so much time living on everyone’s terms but our own. It doesn’t hurt to be brutally honest and the bar helps bring that out.
Tackle Your Emotions
We get so caught in the routine of life. Go to gym, school, work, sleep, eat, and repeat. Week after week, month after month, we do the same things over and over. We get so caught in living that we forget to ‘live.’ Part of living is learning who we are and understanding how we make decisions.
Emotions play an important role in how we think and behave. They influence the choices we make about our lives big and small. So take a few shots at the bar and figure out what triggers your emotions. Acknowledge them because they are valid. Track and manage them best by understanding what they are and why you have them. And work not to feed into the triggers to stay in control of them.
Understand Your Body
Be aware of how you feel before and after drinking alcohol. Understand why you drink and what it represents in helping you solve problems. Learn and listen to your body and give it what it needs. Going to the bar doesn’t imply you need to get drunk while there. Drink to uncover some things that may be suppressed due to being so busy with the distractions of your daily life.
Know the Consequences and Repercussions
Bad consequences usually come after drinking lots of alcohol. But what if you knew that going in and approached it differently? First off, it helps to understand your tolerance. Drinking brings out our raw emotions and exposes things that we hold back naturally because we are just so busy. When you understand the consequences and repercussions of your actions, it will help you avoid being impulsive and have regrets later.
Study Other People
One of the tricks to improving states of consciousness, is experiencing the realities of life. Watch people at the bar and pay close attention to them. Study their actions and watch what they do. Liquid courage allows people to be brave and be willing to speak and act fearlessly. Listen to folks and learn from them. You will be surprised what a random person will tell you after a few rounds of Jameson. It may help you figure some things out.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Pay attention to the bartender, managers, security and other bar goers. This is a good representation of everyday people attempting to solve the life puzzle. Keep track of everything going on around you. Process this information and develop the ability to perceive things critically. Spend more time at the bar connecting with people versus being consumed with ‘friends’ & followers on the social networks. Seek to learn about the world in its true element as much as possible.
Go at it Alone
We are constantly busy consumed with others and not enough time is spent on improving our own character. When your brain is consumed by some activity, it starts focusing on that. Nowadays, everyone is preoccupied with social media in some way, that they forget about self introspection. Trying to live your life similar to others and impress them at the same time can be disastrous. They may not who they really appear to be, but yet their day to days consumes your thoughts. Go to the bar alone and meet new people. Grasp what really goes on in the ‘real’ world with people who frequent the bar just like you.
So why do it at the bar and how? While meditating is typically done in silent and relaxing places, it is also not about shying away from things that make you feel uncomfortable, difficult or distracting. Sitting in a relaxed place alone is not exclusive to other forms of meditation. Bringing that mindset and awareness with us as we shop, go to the bar, or interact with complete strangers is very important as well. So grab a table or sit at the end of the bar and try it. We promise you won’t look like a dummy and it’s even a good conversation starter.
If you don’t drink, you can still practice this technique. The bar is a good place for social interactions and to get valuable perspectives of the world. And if you do drink and looking to build your awareness at the bar, grab an Uber or Lyft when your done.
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