Monday, March 26, 2018

The Culture of Long Shifts; Why Bartenders Do It and Why Bars Allow It

Ok everyone, let’s talk about long shifts. Doubles, 20-hour marathon sessions during ‘music weeks’, and the dreaded “clopen”. Why do we do this to ourselves? And why do bars and restaurants encourage it?

culture long bartender shifts

A Culture of Work

It can’t be denied, the hospitality industry is a work-to-the-bone, never say no, go ‘til you drop world. We pride ourselves on being able to make it through incredibly long shifts because the payoff is cash. In the bar environment, we’re often encouraged to work ourselves to the point of exhaustion. This mentality is simply accepted as ‘the way it is’ and rarely questioned. However, there’s often no place for us to turn when we get sick, injured, or forced to work shifts that border on inhumane. It’s important to ask the question, “Are we truly signing up for this willingly or are we being forced by a philosophy that mainly benefits our bosses?”

Why Is It Like This?

Bartending is becoming more and more respected. As time goes on, it has earned appreciation for the art that it is. However, we are still shackled by a history of mistreatment. In many states, tipped employees are exempt from minimum wage. This means that employers can get away with paying us a fraction of what others receive. A lot of times this is fine because we make bank in tips. However, it subtly classifies us as less-than and makes us a largely disposable workforce. Restaurant employees almost never have health insurance or an HR department to turn to when we need help. There’s no 401K savings plan to help us prepare for the future and any overtime pay is negligible. Because of all this, the opportunity to put a grand in the bank after one shift is too tempting to pass up, regardless of the consequences.
Don’t get me wrong, hospitality employees can make great money. But we’re missing the support that the majority of the modern workforce receives. All of these reasons combine to create a culture that encourages and rewards behavior that is sometimes dangerous.

The Consequences

While you may be totally willing and able to work for 20 hours straight, that doesn’t make it good for you. Many bartenders experience joint problems from standing and shaking cocktails, exhaustion from lack of sleep, and long term issues that we rarely address because we don’t have insurance. Not to mention, it’s hard to plan your life when you may not know when and for how long you’ll be working.

How to Mitigate the Consequences 

Since we all know you’re going to work that crazy shift anyways, here are some tips for staying happy and healthy.

Look up the local labor laws in your area. Chances are, you’re entitled to some sort of break. If you are denied what is your legal right, report it to your state’s Department of Labor.

If you really can’t take a break, make sure you stay hydrated and eat. Bring snacks from home or scarf something down in the kitchen but don’t go without food. 

Sleep as Much as You Can

Try to get us much sleep as possible the night before and go right home after your shift. We know it’s tempting to hit the bars but the more rest you get, the less likely you are to burn out and literally collapse from exhaustion.

 Ask for What You Need

Don’t be afraid to ask for the support you need. If you need to use the restroom, don’t hold it and risk a bladder infection. If you’re hungry, ask the manager to get you some food. Again, if you’re being mistreated, REPORT IT.
We want to hear about your experience with long shifts. Why do you do them and what tips do you have to make them bearable?
Original Article:

Want to connect with people at your bar in a whole new way? Download the BOTY App on iTunes or Google Play for free!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Best Networking Strategies at the Bar

Success in business isn’t built by working alone. If you want to get ahead, you’ll need to build new relationships and expand your network. Shockingly, one of the best places to do this is at the bar.

best networking strategies bar
Whether you find yourself at a networking event at a restaurant or you happen to wander into a bar during happy hour, these tips will help you make some good connections.

The Approach

Whether or not you’re drinking, it’s always a good idea to make sure that you position yourself near the bar. If you position yourself close to all of the action, you can easily strike up a conversation as people place their drink orders.

Don’t Get Drunk

If your goal is to meet people concerning your career or for business purposes, hold back on the drinking. While it’s okay to have a drink or two, remember that you’re trying to chat with strangers about work activities. You need to be focused and too many cocktails can take you off your game.

Set Reasonable Expectations

At most, you should secure a business card or a contact phone number for your new acquaintance. Don’t expect to get hired for a job or strike a business deal the same night. Sometimes the consumption of too much alcohol can inflate expectations. Give it a few days to sink in!

networking strategies bar

Don’t Make It Obvious

Let’s face it. No one likes a social climber. If people see that you’re trying to work the room, they’ll probably decide that you’re someone that’s not worth knowing. Remember, you’re not a politician and this isn’t a re-election campaign.
Instead of trying to meet everyone, zero in on a few people who pique your interest for whatever reason. You can also work on becoming a regular at the bar so that you can meet more people gradually. That way you won’t feel pressured to try to meet as many people as possible in one night.

Ask Genuine Questions

Let the other person speak to you more than you speak to them. Make sure to ask thoughtful questions. Instead of the usual “So, what do you do?” ask about their hobbies and interests.
Not only will they remember having an enjoyable conversation with you, they’ll also feel great about the fact that you really wanted to get to know them.

Treat Networking Like a Puzzle

Even if the person you meet can’t help you directly, keep in mind that someone in their network might be able to. You can find out who they know later by checking out their social media accounts and following up.

Ask Yourself Why They Should Want to Meet You

Think carefully about why these new acquaintances might want to meet you in the first place. You only have a short time to make a good first impression so think about how you might respond to basic questions about yourself and your professional life.

Always Be Ready

If want to network, you should always be ready. Have business cards available or send your e-card if your new acquaintance asks for your contact information. Make sure that you’re dressed appropriately for the scene, have gum available, and freshen up.
Original Article:

Want to connect with people at your bar in a whole new way? Download the BOTY App on iTunes or Google Play for free!